
[CHC2012]血栓性病变与静脉桥血管病变的治疗——华盛顿大学医学中心Larry S. Dean教授专访

作者:  L.S.Dean   日期:2012/8/24 14:34:53


Larry Dean:威斯康辛地区医学中心主任,华盛顿大学医学中心内科和外科教授。目前的研究领域为隐静脉旁路移植术保护、支架和支架内狭窄。

  International Circulation: In what ways are they more difficult?
  Dr. Dean: Well, they are bulky. When you put a filter on the end of a wire, you change the characteristics of that wire. So, while modern wire technology can twist and turn around impressive tortuosity, embolic protection devices are limited in their maneuverability.
  International Circulation: Is chronic oral anticoagulant therapy necessary in patients after PCI with a SVG?
  Dr. Dean: I think it is. Last week, we had a discussion around a case at the University of Washington about the problem with vein grafts. Older vein grafts of 15 and 20 years have extensive degeneration, which is the natural history of the graft. Doing anything with them or to salvage them at that point is difficult. Medical therapy is not going to achieve desirable results because the vein graft is at the end of its life. It is almost like trying to take anything else at the end of its life and trying to resurrect it. That is difficult to do. However, medical therapy is certainly important from the standpoint of maintaining graft patency. Therapy would not include anti-platelet therapy, but rather treatment with anti-hyperlipidemics for cholesterol. This has been shown to improve graft patency. Once you get to the end of vein’s life, we lack good tools, whether medical, mechanical, or surgical. The SVGs are  different . For example, with the filters, we can make the SVG look healthy during the procedure, but what happens six months to a year later has more to do with the natural history of the disease process.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:聂会珍


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